The Johnny Mac Foundation is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization formed by John’s wife, Jennifer after his death in August 2009 of 9/11 related cancer. John was an FDNY Firefighter and caring for others was what he did. In a list of final wishes, John asked to have a community center built in Blue Point, NY. In accord with John’s motto “whatever it takes,” the Foundation now works tirelessly to fulfill that wish. In addition, the Foundation supports other 9/11 first responder organizations. John’s last wishes were written down and electronically scanned.
After FDNY Firefighter John McNamara died, hidden in his hospital bag, his wife Jennifer found a list of things John wanted her to do if he did not survive. One of those things was to have a community center built in Blue Point, New York where John, Jenn and their son Jack live. John was also passionate about making sure 9/11 First Responders and, in fact, all Firefighters were taken care of whether it was illness related to the job or another tragedy that affected their lives. It is this passion for Community and the “job” that led Jennifer to form the FDNY Firefighter John F. McNamara Foundation, also known as The Johnny Mac Foundation. The Foundation works tirelessly to provide assistance and support to various causes and organizations dear to John’s heart- groups dedicated to community and the support of Firefighters and First Responders.
Firefighters and other First Responders
When he was alive, John was an ardent advocate of healthcare for 9/11 First Responders. He spent numerous hours, even after he was diagnosed with 9/11 related cancer, speaking at union meetings, travelling to Washington and New York City often to speak. After his passing and the formation of the Foundation, Jennifer determined that assisting others who were sick was paramount. Thus, over time, the Foundation has given away thousands to sick Firefighters, Police Officers, EMTs, Correction Officers and Deputy Sheriffs facing cancer battle like John did. The Foundation also supports other organizations that support first responders such as The Ray Pfeiffer Foundation, The Fealgood Foundation, The FDNY Hockey Team, Friends of Firefighters, The Suffolk County Correction Officers Hockey Team, The Jesse Gerhardt Foundation, The 34.3 Foundation, The Billy Moon Foundation and others. In the aftermath of John’s death, Jennifer became John’s voice and spoke at numerous press conferences advocating for the passage of the Zadroga Bill, worked to pass legislation to provide FDNY legacy credits to 9/11 First Responders and provides direct support to other widows.
After the Zadroga Bill passed, the Foundation felt it could turn some if it’s efforts towards the local community of Blue Point, New York where Jennifer and John settled. To that end, the Foundation supports the local little league team, the Chamber of Commerce Beautification Project and St. Patrick’s Day Parade. The Foundation also jumps into action when a fire or other tragedy affects members of the local community, raising thousands of dollars to assist – 100% of which goes to the person the funds are raised for. Along with Jennifer and Jack, the Foundation contributed funds to the Bayport Blue Point Library to create the Johnny Mac Teen Room, a place where teens can gather to study, play games and otherwise become engaged in a safe environment. Each year the Foundation sponsors “Johnny Mac Day” which is a great day giving back to the community with kids games, vendors, food trucks, and performers from the local schools.
While the majority of the Foundation’s work is with the 9/11 responder and local communities, the Foundation has also assisted when natural disasters occur in other parts of the U.S. For example, raising funds in the aftermath of hurricanes in Houston and fires in North Carolina. Board Members are not compensated and all donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. The vast majority of funds go directly to help others as the Foundation’s administrative costs are minimal. Everything we do is with John’s mantra in mind: Whatever it Takes!
Contact the Johnny Mac Foundation with any questions using one of the options below.
Email: [email protected]